Thursday, September 25, 2008

Pray for Malaysia Missions

I ask you to help me pray for this mission field (click on title). The pictures under the subtitle Malaysia are pictures from the two churches that they have already built there in Malaysia.

My sister Cindi and her husband Danny are in Maylasia now to accomplish the following :
1. visit potential sites for next building, April 2009
2. visit building material supply house to price lumber and see what all is available that can help or improve our process.
3. if time permits, visit Bongkol and Pias

They are planning on going back in April to build another church. They have asked Curtis to go with them when they return to Malaysia. Pray for their safety and God's continued wisdom in this endeaver.

1 comment:

Karen J. Hopper said...

Talked with your dad a couple of days ago, and got the heads up on the Malaysia trip. Danny & Cindi (as well as the others that labor along side them) continue to be such blessings to the Malaysian people. Only in Eternity will we know it all.