Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Servant's Blessing

After reading my friend Shirley Buxtons' "God Things" blog I thought of this story about being a servant.

While I was working at the church on our new building last Saturday one of our young people came and asked our Pastor Bro. Wayne Trout if he wanted some coffee. He replied "No thank you". she then came and asked me as well, I said "Yes". I then told her that Pastor like tea instead of coffee.

A few minutes later she came out with a tray loaded with all kinds of stuff and tea for Pastor and coffee for me. She went to him first and served him then she came to me.

Pastor was overjoyed at the service and I was surprised at how she so easily fit into the servants role. She has had some normal youth problems with peer pressure and her mother has been working with her to overcome these things.

I commented to Pastor that she had some little things she was dealing with as a typical young person. But as long as her Mom kept her at church instead of running everywhere else or staying in bed on Saturdays the girl is on the right track.

If she continues to put the work of God and the church first God will help her to overcome everything.


Anonymous said...

Kevin, thank you for this simple, but profound, story of a young person who definitely is a servant...of people...and thus of God.

God bless your work with young people your other areas of ministry, and those of your wife.

shirley Buxton

Kevin Hopper said...

Shirley, God is blessing us and we are overwhelmed at how God is having His way in our life. May God continue to bless you and Jerry in your ministry! One of these days it will all be over! We will be with Jesus! It will be worth it all when we see Jesus!

Linda Elms said...

Kevin, this story touched me and I am moved by the young ladies response to the direction you gave her. She just needed someone to let her know what her Pastor liked, and she was willing and ready to serve him. You did her a favor for many years by instructing her. THANK YOU for being sensitive to the needs of others around you. You could have just got your coffee and not worried about anyone else. This speaks volumes of the "servant heart" that you have!

Kevin Hopper said...


I guess becuase of years or dealing with youth Judi and I are
sensitive to them. We both feel like this young girl will be something in the kingdom for God.

Infact Judi came to me several years ago and we gave one of Curits' pianos to her so she could practice.

Even as I write this I remembered that we gave a piano to a new convert couple in California before we left. That couple is now pastoring there and their daughter (who practiced on the piano) is now married to a minister as well!

Anonymous said...

Kevin, just want to add that I was impressed by Linda's noting how sensitive you were to this young person, and how you helped her take a step in ministry.

You and your wife are obviously a blessing to the church where you are.

Shirley Buxton