Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter with Bro. Easter!

I am sorry I have not posted much this past week . We have been in revival with Bro. Easter. Yesterday morning we had a packed auditorium. The children's choir and the adult choir did an awesome job.

Then Bro. Easter went with the foundation that was laid through our worship and songs and preached a great message on you have got to have the blood. Several times he had the congregation to ask our neighbors if they were covered by the blood in baptism. He explained that that can only be done when we are baptized in the name of Jesus.

When he was finished we ended up baptizing 9 people in the wonderful name of Jesus. It was an awesome Easter with Bro. Easter!!

Then we spent the afternoon visiting some of our friends in the nursing home and a family get together as well.


Karen J. Hopper said...

Thankful that you too had a glorious Easter service. Our altars were filled also, but not that many baptized. The Blood of Jesus makes all the difference.

Anonymous said...

It truely was an amazing service. I don't think I have ever been in an Easter service like yesterday. After service, Michaela asked Bro. Trout to baptize her next week. She has some friends that she wants to invite.


Kevin Hopper said...

Aunt Karen, it was a great service!

Tracy, That is wonderful! I miss your blog too!

iluv2prshim said...

Great Report! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Jana Allard said...

Isn't it so amazing how God was with all of us on Easter? We had Bro. Arcovio and there were more visitors than members. It was a packed out crowd and we baptized two. Bro. Arcovio's ministry is just incredible.