Saturday, April 05, 2008

Busy times!

We have been very busy around here lately. My job decided in the middle of the day to go to ten hours a day. So I am up by 3:30 and home by 6:30 give or take a few minutes.

Then this week we decided to completely redo the inside of our church. Paint from top to bottom and new trim etc.. We got the mess all cleaned up today.

We will be having a prayer meeting tonight for the whole church, to acclimate them a little to the "new building". It really looks different! The colors are a lot lighter so the auditorium looks a lot bigger. It will be a pleasant change for the church family!


Jana Allard said...

WOW! Do you have a long commute, too? Those hours make for a really long day! I pray your strength!

Kevin Hopper said...

Jana, My commute is 52 miles each way. The long day does take away a lot of time from visiting the sick, shut-in and new comers to church. But God has a plan so we just push on until He comes! We had a great time of prayer last night in the newly renovated auditorium!