I have been thinking about the last post dealing with rebellion and attitudes. I remember in one situation where I made some pretty pointed remarks to a parent regarding their young person. I was trying to help them to see where their thought process was wrong and how it would lead to more disrespect for leadership. So in the process I made some sharp remarks but in such a way as to not be offensive.
The parent looked serious then chuckled then looked serious again. Just then my wife walked up and the parent just busted out laughing and told my wife “your husband has a way with words”, “what he said was funny but very true”. I had addressed the sticky problem with God’s help and corrected it and kept a parent who is still a friend today! Maybe if we that are in leadership would spend more time connecting with people then when something like this comes up we can let God speak through us. I think Sis. Vesta Mangun preached it years ago; you have to win people to you then to Christ. We need to take time with them on a more casual basis.
I am not talking about running around with them all the time, but go eat with them every once in awhile to let them know you really care about them. Then when a problem arises you can quickly deal with it because of the established trust and rapport that you have built. The problem today is that we are all caught up with being “politically correct” instead we need to be “kingdom minded”. If you don't guide them and correct them don't worry someone will lead them, astray! If they are youth, then realize you are training the leaders of tomorrow and God sent you to them to train correctly.
So when you see a problem don't run from it. God has allowed you to see the problem because he wants you to deal with it for the Kingdom's sake!! Don't raise up a crippled church, do your best that's all God asks! In the end the person will come back and thank you. I know from experience of over 30 years in helping the throw away youth to overcome what life has dealt to them! It is worth it!! Enough for now I'll move on!
I went Monday to training for volunteer work in a local hospital. I applied on a whim last month. I thought I go so much to visit church people and their friends, what if I signed up so I could minister to others in need? They were more than happy to have me come aboard and help. I go next Monday for my Pastoral Care class and my second TB test then I will be certified to minister anywhere in the hospital.
I know that I can go pretty much where I want to now with my minister license but this new tag will let them know that I am going by their basic standards as well. Plus it puts me on call in case there is a disaster in the community. I will be one of the ones called to help the family deal with crisis, “That I might win some” as the Apostle Paul said.
It is part of what I have been thinking as I go into this year. What in the world am I doing for Christ’s sake? Not what I am doing at church with various schedules, services etc…, but what I am doing in the world?
It was good to talk to you, however breifly, this afternoon!
I read your blog almost everyday...as promised I am commenting to let you know I was here today!
Rebellion part 1 for thought envoking. I enjoy your thoughts!
It was good to talk with you today! I was shocked to say the least. LOL!! I hope that my wife & I have been able to help you over the years. I have enjoyed watching you "grow in grace". I know that I pray for you often. I pray that God will continue to keep you and bless you. I pray that His angels would always encamp around you and your family!
Call us anytime!
Another awesome post that I agree whole-heartily with. You've got it, Bro. Kevin. You've got the "Kingdom Minded" revelation! I pray for this almost daily. Only what's done for Christ will last.
Thank you and God bless you and your family.
Brother Hopper:
This is a wonderful, practical, encouraging post. Thank you for taking the time to write these things here.
Congratulations on your new endeavor as a hospital volunteer. Keep us informed about your activities there.
Shirley Buxton
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