Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I Remember Awesome Services

I think the earliest awesome service that I remember was at the California Camp meeting in Beulah Park Ca. by Santa Cruz. I remember that Bro. T. W. Barnes was preaching and people were getting out of wheelchairs and walking, blind eyes were opened , deaf ears were unstopped and the demon possessed were delivered..

I also remember that owner of the camp ground coming down the hill to the auditorium in the middle of Bro. Barnes preaching. The owner was beside himself because from his house on the hill he saw fire all over the roof of the building and we were inside having church. It took awhile to convince him that it was Holy Ghost fire and that we were all OK!

I can remember a Youth Service in Jacksonville Fl. when my dad was directing the service. We had a lot of first time visitors and there was a message in tongues given, but no interpretation.
On Sunday night the visitors came back and during the testimony time one of the visitors stood up and said that the visiting group want them to say something. He told us the group was from Greece on a merchant ship at the port. He wanted to know who it was that spoke Greek in the service the other night and no one volunteered. He then went on to say that the person spoke excellent Greek and had taught them the plan of salvation so they came back to be baptized in the name of Jesus. We baptized 13 and I think 10 received the Holy Ghost that night!!

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Maybe you would like to share a similar service or maybe you were in one of these services. I welcome your comments.


Anonymous said...

Kevin, I remember that service at Beulah Park. I was young but I've never forgotten it. Awesome God!

Kevin Hopper said...

Ronda, it was good to hear from you! I remember the worship and seeing people get off their sick bed and out of their wheel chair!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed in particular your blog about Beulah Park. We were there when the tongues of fire were settling on top of the auditorium. I had taken Kellee back to the Upper Room (one of the cabins for rent), and when coming back saw the flames along with several other people. When we entered the building a blue haze was over our heads. Oh for times like these once again. Perhaps we need to go back to the simplicity that was part of the church’s makeup.

Aunt Karen

Kevin Hopper said...

I wished I could have seen the fire on the roof but with the crowd and me being so young there was no way I could go outside with out my folks. But I remember feeling the power of God! O, Yeah!! It is good to hear from you Aunt Karen. Tell Uncle Gene & family I said Hi.